The opening ceremony will be held on June 2, 2017 at 7 pm at the Haeundae beach special stage.




The 13th BIDF,
Falling in Love with Busan!
Falling in Love with Dance!

1. Kalotaszegi táncok (Dances from Kalotaszeg)
2. Dél-alföldi táncok (Dances from Southern Hungary)


Company Balassi Folk Dance Ensemble
Performance 1. Kalotaszegi táncok (Dances from Kalotaszeg)
2. Dél-alföldi táncok (Dances from Southern Hungary)
Choreographer Mlinár Pál
Company The Balassi Folk Dance Ensemble started its work in 1947. Since its foundation, the ensemble has been on tour in almost every European country as well in Algeria, Israel and Japan. It had continuously been qualified excellent on the National Stage of Folk Dancers therefore it obtained the award of the Permanently Outstanding Ensemble of “Martin” Association. It has won a large number of awards both at national and foreign festivals.

1. Kaloteszeg is a region in Transylvania. We dance the Hungarian people dances.
1) Legényes – men’s virtuose individual dance, competition between men.
2) Csárdás – couple dance
3) Szapora – fast couple dance

2. Dél-alföld (= Great Hungarian Plain in Southern Hungary) is our region, where we live.

1) Csárdás – couple dance
2) Friss csárdás – fast couple dance
3) Oláhos – solo dance

Time 1. 4:30
2. 6:30
Music 1 Kalotaszegi táncok (Dances from Kalotaszeg)
2. Dél-alföldi táncok (Dances from Southern Hungary)
Cast Mlinár-Kőrösi Katalin, Vaszkóné Mochnács Renáta, ifj. Mlinár Pál, Vaszkó János